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About degree and non_degree program

List of Undergraduate Specialties (Bachelor Level)




School of TCM

Traditional  Chinese Medicine


School of Acupuncture and Osteoloy

Acupuncture  and Moxibustion and Tuina, Traditional Chinese Rehabilitative Therapy


School of  Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine

Integrated  Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine (Clinical or General)


School of Nursing



School of Humanities

Chinese as  a foreign language


School of Medical Economics and Management

International  Economics & Trading (Medical Trading), PSA(the medical and health cause  management), applied psychology, Human resource management, Insurance


School of Pharmacy

Chinese  Pharmacy, pharmaceutical formulations, Pharmaceutical Engineering,  Pharmaceutical analysis


School of Medical Information Technology

Information  management and information system, computer science and technology,  biomedical engineering


List of postgraduate and doctoral specialties (master’slevel and doctoral level)


aster level

2-3 years

Basic Theories of  TCM, TCM Diagnostics, TCM internal medicine, Clinical bases of TCM, Literature  and History of TCM,TCM surgery, TCM pediatrics, TCM gynecology, Ophthalmology  and Otolaryngology of TCM, TCM nursery, TCM informatics, TCM culture

Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine  and Western Medicine in Clinical Work,Bases of Integrated Traditional Chinese  and Western Medicine, General practice

Pharmacology of TCM  formulae, pharmacy, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry, science of  Chinese material medica, pharmaceutical analysis, microbial and biochemical  pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics

TCM Orthopedics, Acupuncture and  Moxibustion and Tuina

Doctor level

3 years


01 Studies of Xin’an Medicine and its Characteristic Therapy

02 Normalization of TCM Syndrome and its Essence

03 Specificity of Acupoint Effect and Clinical Application of  Acupuncture& Moxibustion

04 Studies of Channel Viscera

05 Clinical Studies of TCM Prevention& Cure of Serious Disease

Science of Chinese Material Medica

01 Process and Development of Genuine Anhui Herbal Medicine

02 Pharmacological Studies of Genuine Anhui Herbal Medicine and its Compound  Prescription

03 Studies of New Formulations and New Techniques of Herbal Medicine

04 Structural Modification and Transformation of Active Materials in  Herbal Medicine

05 Studies of Breeds and Qualities of Herbal Medicine Recourses

List of non-degree program

Advanced students (1week~2years)

Short-term training (1week~2 years)

Internal medicine of TCM

Human anatomy training class

Surgery of TCM

Acupuncture and moxibustion training

TCM pediatrics

Chinese as a foreign language training  class

TCM gynecology

Classics of TCM

Acupuncture and moxibustion and Tuina

TCM and Chinese Culture experience

Science of Chinese material medica

The traditional health care training

TCM Traumatology

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